New Nation International commenced in March 2019 but was officially inaugurated on the11th of June 2022. Our purpose is to make known throughout the world, the revelation the man of God had while he was before God for 40 days and nights.
I was with the Lord for 40 days and in the spirit, God took me to the new nation where
He made me see people/souls in their various state because of how they were living on this earth.
The first, are those who were wicked, living unrighteous lives on earth and practicing wickedness. For them, He kept them in small cages barricaded. Inside these cages, they were struggling for help, crying for others to help them. They would be kept in that state till Christ comes to judge them, just like the story of Lazarus, the rich man and Abraham (Luke 16:19-31).
The second category are those who lived lukewarm lives, living their lives anyhow but were
helpful to their neighbours or had the character of helping other people with their wealth. With
such people, they become poor in the new nation, labourers, ordinary workers and carrying loads.
The third category are those who lived righteously, believing in their maker or worshipping their
God in truth while on earth. They were living well. Further, there were others whose souls are
living in the new nation and suffering but physically, they are still alive on earth, with such souls,
there is no teaching you give them for them to believe in God (Romans 1:28). All these
categories of people/souls will wait until Christ comes for the second judgement to take place.
Another thing the Lord showed me was that, He made me see that the sky as we see it is covered with a net-like structure with cowries, and talismans hanging from the net, separating the heavens and earth, and the devil/ Satan has partitioned it into regions and districts, controlled by his agents (1John 5:19). Due to this, it is difficult for one’s prayers to pass through the net as stated in Lamentation 3:44. Thus for one’s prayers to pass through the net, then God’s spirit has to pray through you before your prayer would penetrate the net-like structure to reach God.
So ordinary prayers by unrighteous people goes nowhere. Many other revelations were given to me but we would update as and when time allows.